5 Self Motivation Tips to Shape Your Thoughts

"Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you."


  • Our Thoughts Create Our Reality
  • Success Is Created by Our Daily Habits
  • Persistence Is Key
  • Comfort Is Our Enemy
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

To be frank, many of us find it quite challenging to be consistent with activities we desire.  Activities such as exercising every morning, showing at a meeting or work on time, waking up early, staying away from junk food, spending less than we earn and saving or maintaining work life balance.

We often know what's good for our finances, spirituality, healthy, family, work and other aspects of our lives. However, we find it difficult to leave our bad habits behind. Usually, when someone or an event challenges, we get spurned into positive steps towards leaving the lifestyle we desire. But after sometime we find ourselves deeper in these bad habits.

The motivation never last. The cycle never stops.

Motivation isn’t a talent or something we learn.True motivation comes when you learn enough about yourself at the deepest level to shift your perspective and take action in the real world. Motivation is like a catalyst for achievements. 

So how do we begin this process? The first step is shifting the way we think.

Here are 5 self motivation tips to shift your perspective

1. Our Thoughts Create Our Reality

Everything we perceive in the physical world through our senses goes through the invisible inner world of thoughts and beliefs.

This is the filter with which we experience our lives. Everything that we have ever experienced and will ever experience will pass through this filter.

In our daily lives, our external reality and internal reality become intertwined, inseparable from one another.

By controlling our internal thoughts, we begin to shape our external reality.

It seems funny to think that we have control over our realities by controlling our thoughts.

Imagine all of those events out of our control – our birthplace, our hereditary traits, our childhood experiences. It’s no surprise so many people blame their circumstances rather try to change it.

We all came into this world with some default parameters - good and bad, but we do have a considerable amount of control over our thoughts, emotions and especially how we react.

A common illustration is a cup half-filled. An optimist sees the cup as half-full while a pessimist sees the cup as half-empty. 

We are the masters of our own lives. A good way to stay motivated is to keep our reality at the positivity spectrum.

2. Success Is Created by Our Daily Habits

What we do regularly shape who we are.

This is common knowledge. Imagine James and Matt are new roommates starting out in school for the next two years. If James gyms everyday but Matt never gyms. James is social and loves to meet new women but Matt is a homebody and loves to code. James is conscious about what he eats but Matt isn't. 

We can safely assume how James and Matt will likely turn out after graduation.

Good habits are difficult to master and bad habits are difficult to kill. Good habits are a critical key to success. Our favorite entrepreneurs are people who have mastered good habits. They are also know to be life-long learners. They have unwavering motivation and work ethic. Their journey to success begins with their daily habits.

To learn more about how to master your habit, I recommend you read "Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg".

3. Persistence Is Key

Most of the ads online or TV target consumer's desires with little or no hardwork. Advertisers prey on consumers desire for instant gratification. Common themes are day trading, diet without exercise, get rich quick schemes, online success gurus, pyramid schemes, and many more.

Don't be deceived, lasting success comes from years of persistence and hard work. It takes time. It takes an average of at least 7 years to get really good or great at something, depending on how often we do it.
Some estimate it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill. 

We must learn to accept failure and see them as building blocks to our goals. Don't get discouraged easily especially when you start out. You need to remember to have fun, learn to love what you're doing, and take it one step at a time. 

Whenever you start out on a goal and you feel like you're not making progress fast enough, don't give in. Be persistent. It's okay to take a break. But be known has that one person who never give up.

To learn more about mastery and persistence, I recommend you read "Mastery by Robert Greene".

4. Comfort Is Our Enemy

We all want to be comfortable. We are wired that way. Comfort is a good thing. Who doesn’t like unwinding with some wine after a long day? The rich get richer because they are never satisfied. As long as your ambition does not affect your health or family, its good to get more out of life.

A slacker's lifestyle might feel satisfying, but it’s no way to grow into the person you want to become.

To accomplish great things and stay motivated, you have to get outs of your comfort zone, repeatedly.

Starting a business, asking a girl out on a date, pushing your boss for a raise all take courage. The more often you push yourself outside of your comfort zone, the easier these uncomfortable tasks become.

Learn to live in this discomfort. If you discover something that scares you, go after it day after day until it becomes routine.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Just as much as we want comfort, we also want certainty. We desperately urge to control outcomes. We want to be in total control of our lives so that we can predict how things will end up for us. Our minds want to figure out stable patterns in the world and make sense of them.

As a result, our mind is forever chasing experiences and holding onto them, trying to understand them, make sense of them, and control them.

Just remember that this moment right now is all there is, but your mind is trying desperately to grasp what has already happened, what has already disappeared over the edge.

Although our daily lives may seem unchanging and permanent, the universe and everything in it is in a constant state of change. 

As we sit here, the cells inside our bodies are replicating and dying, the oceans are ebbing and flowing, and the Milky Way is moving 1.3 million miles per hour through the universe. Everything in the universe changes, including all of us.

The more we cling to things and believe that life should remain the same, the more we will suffer. The more we flow with the current of life and realize that things are perfect just as they are, the better our outlook will be. 

We’ll be less afraid to fail because we’ll know that life is impermanent, like all things.

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